- Fashion
- June 29, 2020

I have always been a sensitive person who cries at love movies with sad endings, at abused animals or at the suffering of those around me.
Therefore, I will always choose to get involved in charitable actions and help as much I can.
With small steps we can do great things. With love we can change the world and help.
My scrunchies collection “Charity Save BUBU” are made with love to save a life. Alexandra’s live. A Baby girl who needs the most expensive vaccine in the world ZOlGENSMA to live. She need 2 million euros. So sad when life is measured by money.
My dears, people with a big heart, buying this products 4 euros will go to save this child life. Shipping costs are FREE! Scrunchie price is 10 euros.
Please, Be kind!
Thank you!
From Paris With Love,